Wednesday, 20 June 2007


beautiful things are short-lived, just like you and me.

went for CIP today. it's out last visit to Bishan Home For The Intellectually Disabled. weather's freaking hot today, and we had to do weedings. srsly, i think gardening's so not fun. went to town to meet my Marketing project group. we was suppose to meet at 1130 but i reached at 1230. i'm so sO SO SORRY!!! we changed out topic and decided to do on Converse shoes. finally we're getting started. phew!

went Ten Mile Junction to met up with Adin, Steven and Amin to shop for the things for Sports Club bbq tomorrow. they're real jokers. i can't stop laughing when i'm with them. they really do retarded things.

the clique in class gave me a box of chocolate for my birthday. thanks girls. i really appreciates it a lot! A BIG BIG THANKYOU! and i'm quite touched that the class sang me a birthday song. i'm a lucky girl. heh. mum bought me a cake too. it's an early celebration caused i won't be home tomorrow. it's weird to have 2 of my parents to sing me birthday song but they really did and i'm really thankful. i love all of you! (:

and lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERENE PEH! the 5 of us love you many many! <3

that's about all. till next time! xD


serene said...

thanks GAL!(:

Anonymous said...

woohoo! shen ri kuai le yea?


thankyou thankyou. (:
no problem.