Monday, 26 November 2007

faked a smile, even when everything's not okay.

the week passed pretty quickly. and i can't believe it's already the end of week 9 of semester2. in no time, it's semestral exams. ooh! i can't wait for it to end and i can have a total break that i want from school work.

clare's proud of herself for her econs results. though comparing to others i might not have done as well, but i've done the best for econs in this test ever since the first test! (: great confidence booster. i should start studying and not disappoint anyone anymore! :D :D :D

on a lighter note, christmas is now officially one month away! i love christmas! barbeque on 23rd dec at my beloved Alvina's place. i can't wait for it and enjoy christmas though there's no snow in Singapore, but they'll be loads of love in the air!

Touch Carnival yesterday! Angels did really well yesterday and even though we lost at the very last minute of sudden death, we all know that we've given our 100percent and we should be happy with the results! GO SP ANGELS! and well done to the SP burners for getting cup champions! they're really good.

oohyar, i finally got my contact lenses today after being lazy for 2 weeks to go down and get them! eyesight remained the same! random.

Bestest Bindy is back from her OCIP! :D hope you'll get well soon alright! take extra care!
and daddy too. he's having diarrhoea. visiting the toilet have been his favourite past time for 2 days already! sighhhhh. :(

i'm happy today cause mummy cooked my one of my favourite soup! water cress soup!

here's one overdue picture that i suddenly thought of posting! Staff and Student Games '07!


Sahae W said...

yay im first!
AHHH the photo is nice! so many of people in there! too bad i wasnt! ):


Yan said...

hahaha, christmas!
I love christmas too. Where's my prezzie? I'll grab the best one for you too! lol

loves! :B:B


yarrr. why isn't you in there uh!
and i'll sutdy. no worries BON CHEK! :D

i'm still searching for yours too! to give you the best ever christmas or birthday present! (:

Anonymous said...

CLARE WON A PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sahae W said...

cause i was busy with the comp that time! haha
anyway, you've been tagged! it's BONCET! lousy! lolol