Thursday, 20 March 2008

enrolment nearly got me dead for the past week. i've been going back to school more often than going anywhere else and the time spent in school altogether is more than what i've slept. but wells, it's finally over! i guess we should really get some good rest. prep camp and FOC coming up real soon! GOSHHHHH.

last weekend was Junior Tournament! Baby angels went into the Cup Championships, and although we lost, we knew we've gave in our very best and everyone did well. this competition is only once in a lifetime and we all know we've grown through this competition. 3 cheers for baby angels! :D

Lovely Seniors.

outing tomorrow with Cousins! i need to shop. (:


Anonymous said...

farni here. clare play the game on my blog((: its super fun! see yoo soon! hugs and kisses, candy misses!

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Yan said...

hahaha, shopping someday babe. enjoy the rest of holi! ;D