Sunday, 20 April 2008

i wish i could run away from all these shits.

now i understand, what's the meaning of 'shit happens'.

this week was really full of shit. everything wasn't going well starting from the first day of school.

i lost my phone, i couldn't get transferred into dbf06, i got pang seh-ed by the guys who once promised that they wouldn't, i fell ill on Friday and was crying like no one's business, i missed m1 touch preliminary rounds, i miss first day of gems (no big deal though) and basically, i was just feeling like shit the whole week.

the thing that disturbs me most was my class now. i've tried all that i could have done to get into dbf06, but wells, i can't. i shall live on with it for the next 2 years. mind you people, it's not one semester or one year, it's 2 full years, the rest of my poly life. you all might say i can make new friends all over again, but don't say what you think is easy to do cause it's not as easy as how it came out from your mouth.

sometimes i tell myself that i shouldn't blame the 2 guys, but sometimes, i just can't bring myself not to. i know it's my own problems for not being able to get my ass in there, but it was their fault for breaking promises and went without Yanli and i. call yourself friends for being 'so-nice'.

but thanks everyone who have tried their very best with us, i really appreciates it and i won't cry ever again, for this thing. what done is done, right? no use saying sorry, guilty or anything. humans always put themselves in front of others. i dont blame their human nature.

Yanli, i promise to go through these 2 years of shit with you alrights. we'll either go into a class tgt, or stay on and live with it for the rest of our lives. we'll try to make friends again and everything would be fine, i hope/pray.

i'm sick of all these, bye people.

i haven met SPSSC peeps for a longggg time. thanks to these shits and myself for being weak and falling ill. i miss them!

PS: go to this link and read the books, interested please pm me. thanks


Anonymous said...

HEYYYE, you take care and get well soon!
and regarding your previous post, i think i'm one of those people who seemed to have drifted away from you. But i hope i won't drift away further but back to you! hahaha


Anonymous said...

woah i just realised that there is a comment section on ur blog, LOL. anws ur post is like super emo lurhs.. cheer up lahs..go club more often if u miss me!


Anonymous said...

c'mon,i know tat these little shitty stuff wont be able to bring u know!(: meet up soon!MEET UP BEFORE RACHEL'S BDAY SO TAT WE CAN PLAN SMT FOR HER(:

Anonymous said...


emo alert

Cephas said...

lolz... I actually have 2 of the books... but kena kope by my bro alr...