Monday, 14 April 2008

i wonder if i was right;

i've been bored at home the whole day. blog hopped and something strike me.

life is full of goals. whether you admit it or not, be it a big or teeny goal to achieve, everyone have a goal to look ahead of themselves.

i realised i've been missing out too many people in my life. those who were once close to me, seem to have drifted. probably that is life. everyone have to move on, know new people, new environment and everything.

Serene and Farhani is busy with Netball A' divs, schooling.
Bindy? prolly with catching up in her studies and Basketball A'divs.
Team Angels is training to prove the best out of us.
Alvina should be busy with dance and school when term starts.
Yanli is busy training for Canoe Polo, and we promise to study hard this year.
Joan is trying to learn to be independent and training hard for touch.
Lezlie is prolly working hard, earning money, practising with him band, church and projects which are coming up soon?
Weiyee told me his basketball trainings are finally starting again?
the last time Bryan told me is that he wants to play for NP for ivp tennis.
Sherlim is training hard for her Muay Thai exam?
Elaine is studying and training hard for soccer A' divs?
Boyf is studying for driving, fyp and school?
the year3s who have graduated, kuang jason and all, might be busy working before army starts for them.

A desire or an intention becomes a goal if and only if one activates an action for achieving it.

my goals?
studying hard, train hard for Touch Rugby, spend enough time with different groups of people, nothing much actually.
but it's these goals which pushes us forward everyday.

it feels scary when i dont know what to do after i graduate from school in 2 years time. life without goals is like body witdout blood, empty.

okays i'm damn random.
takecare all. all the best for the new school year.


Anonymous said...


fret not! even though school's started and things are really gonna get damn busy, i'm sure we'll still meet at club and lunch and stuffs!

and yeah.. i'd say that everyone at club to me it's like, a whole group of new people i really just got to know. before camp even though i know you and you know me, it's just different and now it's like, not just hi-bye acquaintances but friends as well.

as for goals, go for them! JIAYOU JIAYOU LAH!(: don't worry you won't miss out lah!

and btw my grading exam is over like after prep LOL and I passed it already! HAHA now i'm just busy with training and more training for demo in cca drive heehee.

study hard k! SEEYA ARD(: LOVES.


Anonymous said...

my goal is to have a goal!
okay kidding

im kinda thinking whats my goal now