Friday, 10 October 2008

back to reality;

home after 4 long days. Ice, Sleepover, Raya Outing with Angels&Burners.

Ice was alright. it was more of a caught up with old friends for me rather than making new ones. probably i was too comfortable in my own zone this year and not opening out to others. it was still nice to see all the lovable people. (:
Sleepover was quality time spent though short, but sweet.

went to meet the Angels&Burners after. no clothes to change and have to borrow from Joan! Thanks love for bringing clothes for me. i swear i was super under-dressed. hahaha. and i realise malay cookies and chips are niceeeeeee. pictures when i get them!

can't believe school's gonna start soooo soon! it's like over in a blink of eye. i do miss classmates and those nonsense we talk at every break, the food (my fav fish meat noodle) and the environment. at least it freed me from work, right right right!? timetable suck pretty much cause i have three days of 8am classes and i foresee myself being late. it's not that i don't wna be punctual! i promise to make a little bitttttt more effort!

i need to go shopping soon. i miss those shopping company (Cousin, Alvina, Yanli, Alyssa and all, clique, boyf).
i am missing a lot of people suddenly when i just saw them not long ago! Boyf, Alvina, Sports Club peeps, Joan, Angels)
i really want to shop some day after school! pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

okay i'm in for a good rest tomorrow and volunteer work at Changi Beach for Safra Quadlathon this sunday morning! takecare all. :D

ooh yar. my Vaio is DEAD. it just died so suddenly and i got myself a Acer. many is telling me Acer is laggy, pleaseeeeee be nice to me alright my dear laptop.


jaz said...


eh, i miss u too! u always on n off! sorry had to attend raya outing only in the evening so i missed catching up w u! :)

c.o.m.e. b.a.c.k soon!

Sahae W said...
