Sunday, 8 July 2007

where's my pillar of support, my charming.

a day at home. training was cancelled in the morning due to the rain. rested at home for the day. finally i feel more energized after a long week.

i wasn't in a very good mood today. from the moment i woke up i have been feeling this anger. don't know why. poor cousin who came to my house today got loads of scoldings from me for nothing. but sometimes he can just be very irritating. he would ask the wrong questions at the wrong time and say nonsensical things that can get on your nerves. i didn't mean to scold him, but yeah, i couldn't control myself.

slept for almost 15hours today. went for a haircut in the evening. not much changes though. mum says that she didn't realise that i even cut my hair. okay, that's good. i hate people to start commenting on my hair everytime i cut it. so this time it's a good news i think. oohyeah. i lied to the hairdresser that i'm still a secondary student. i was wearing SP's orientation shirt but she never realise so too bad for her. why pay more? i know i'm bad, but i need to save money.

to all my college friends. hey people. even if you don't do well for the midyears, stop thinking a out retaining. it wouldn't help at all. i know it's hard, but you guys just gotta try. especially the clique. i hope you guys will just pass well for promos. no matter what remember that you still have that group of friends who'll stand by you. we'll meet up again soon people. study hard.

i remember my conversation with Joan love on the train that day. we were thinking why we are all studying so hard just to get a cert. personally i think we should enjoy life when we have to. in another words, i would say enjoying life is a need and not a want. no one knows when they'll die, or the love ones around them may be gone. life have always been unpredictable, what we can do is to live it fully. to me, no point studying so damn hard not lead a boring, life-less and friends-less life. that would suck very much to me. there's a time to mug, but a time to enjoy too. i don't wna regret the day i die.

i need something to cheer me up today. will anyone crack some jokes for me. eew. it's such a bad day today. i shall go play word search or puzzle bobble now. goodbye people.

i saw this at Kuang's blog.
i shall be sporting and follow on the game.

Rules of the game:
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself.
People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

1. i'm dark. everyone says that nowadays.
2. i love to sleep a lot, sleep is never enough.
3. i bite my nails.
4. i kind of love to run.
5. i only sing to myself when i'm bathing.
6. i love green tea.
7. i'm love to gossip with the right people.
8. i have never had long hair before.
9. elmo and barney freak.
10. i've got sweet tooth.

i tag:


alvinChua . said...


im obliging you. you owe me one. (:
takecare girl. wahahahs.


hahaha. okay alvin!
should i say you're nice?
LOL/ adibe the rules and play on.

seeya real soon buddy!

Sahae W said...

one more fact about clare:
she likes to oogle at danger! :D


hey hey! but i don't oogle at danger, my life would be damn bored. heh. (: