Monday, 19 November 2007

star; the one and only.

results are back. as bad as what i've imagined. nothing to brag about. i've said upteen times that i'll study and i'm really gonna put it into actions soon. i don't wna get the same kind of results for semestral exams. i can't afford to forward any modules. give me a pat on my shoulder as encouragement people. stop demoralising me. greatly appreciated.

towned with Mummy yesterday to get my dress for Cousin's wedding on the 1dec. okayy. white dresses are really hard to get but still i found one. phew! Cousin's are all getting married one by one recently. yeah. years passes by so soon! soon it'll be my turn? stupid.

watched Memoirs of a Geisha again. for gems project. okayy. it's draggy. i almost fell asleep, like what almost happen years ago when i watched it in the theatre. i still can remember whom i watched it with. proves that my memory isn't that bad yeah. okay random.

IDEAS presentation was okay on Monday i guess. at least we didn't screw anything up, though we didn't make it a great one though. IDEAS can be a chore, if we don't learn to appreciate it. whatever it is, it's just smth that we've got no choice but to do it.

school has been kind of boring recently. people are all having their exams. and goodlucks to Alyssa, my newly found gf for her MST and music exams. but don't brag that you dont have classes! we'll hang out again once your exams are OVER! (:

i've realise i've been visiting HollandV a lot recently and Alvina and Co. it's like... our routine if we want Subway or Cold Rock. good food are just simply irresistable.

Bindy isn't back from her OCIP trip to Vietnam. somehow somewhat, i've been not meeting the Clique for quite sometime. blame it that i'm the only one in SP. shitttttt. and Andy is flying off to Japan for his holiday. dear friend, please be nice and buy me something back! HA. xD

okayy. i'm lazy to continue. goodbye.

*mum was standing behind me when i blogged and she saw that i didn't do well for exams. she asked me not to waste money and study hard? is that what she meant by giving me encouragements? okayy. i'm so disappointed with her, but still, more of myself. i need some good words, not some insults. that wouldn't work for me.

clarechew is not feeling good now.


Anonymous said...

Don't be dishearten by that,keep going never let the doubters put u down

Anonymous said...

*pat pat* hold it there!dun give up yup!(: u have my supporT(: though we haven been meeting this few weeks but u know tat we'll always be there for u,for anyone! stay strong,clare!poly holi's coming!so we'll meet up pretty soon okie(: love you!

fariz said...

cheer up carrot!! :D


ANONYMOUS. thanks though i dont know who are you. (: appreciated.

SERENE. thanks love! it's really been long since we met. do take good care and we'll meet up soon. :D

FARIZ. thanks MAO! carrot will be fine! where's my little red book? hurrrr.

Sahae W said...

don't worrrry!
just study a bit harder and be like those honour role people! YOU WON'T FORWARD MODULES duh! I know you're smart!

remember we'll get into the same uni!!! be roomies and stuffs!

and it's been sooo long since i last went out shopping with my mommy. Your mom's cooler.

Sahae W said...

and HAHA

Mao Ze Dong with his lil red boook. lol!

Anonymous said...

enough with the moa!
what little red book??!

-break carrot into two-

and dont tell me joan also!
damn it

JeRoMe said...

"we so pretty sit here automatically people will come"

greatest joke i ever heard. seriously.

it shouldnt be "study harder". its just "study". XD


JOAN. thanks and rest assure i'll study! but do force me once in awhile before i start to slack again! LOVESSSSSS. and you know what, WE LOVE MAO? hurrrr.

FARIZ. why you break me into half! i wna show you Mao's photo that i took the other day! can't wait.

JEROME. i was referring to Bimbo! but srsly, we can sit there and do nothing and you can't! (: i wna study HARDER!

Anonymous said...

let's have a mini christmas party!(:we'll all go out for dinner,and meanwhile,exchange presents!how's it!?


SERENE. you decide with the rest yeah! i'm in for anything! exchange presents sounds GOOD! (: