Tuesday, 27 March 2007

i'm late for an hour for work today! DAMN. i woke up earlier but monday's traffic is really disastrous. hate it. but thank god i only need to take for another day! i handed in my resignation already. felt so damn happy. :D

went SP for enrolment with Jeraine in the afternoon. took the photo for my student pass and now i'm officially an SP students. hahah. went around as a group and had briefing for various camps! signed up for Sports Camp and Freshmen Orientation Camp. i wna go to sports camp please call me! urgh. Rachel waited for me at the bus stop outside school. sorry girl, to make you wait for so long! took 106 to town and met Bindy, Bryan, GuanTing, Serene, Zhiyun, Wesley, Jacky and Weijie. walked around town and waited for the Sakae Sushi dinner buffet to start. hahah. Weijie went off first cause he've got Scuba Diving course, i think. the rest of us went in at 6.30pm sharp. eat and eat! we aim to eat 100 plates but in the end, we only manage around 85 plates. Bryan says we're weaklings. he really eat a lot can! his mouth is so big and he really eat like a monster! wlao eh. we're all looking at the rate he eat! he should go join the 'da wei wang' competition. hahah. left for home after that. :)

Bryan and Bindy challenged and they ate this. Wasibiko! EEYER. it really stinks.

half of what we ate! hahah.

it was great to meet up with the friends again. short but time together was spent meaningfully! :)

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