Friday, 18 May 2007


say what you meant, and not what i want to hear;

i was blog hopping and 'packing' my inbox a moment ago and something random just struck me.

have you ever wondered how many people have actually say i love you to you, but how many did mean what they've said.
'i love you' have became such a common words theses days. girls say to their besties, couples say to each other, and kids say to their parents.
but hoe many do actually say that from their heart. besties quarrel and the next moment they can be friends-no-more. couples breakup and they will talk-no-more. and kids grow up, it's hard for us to actually say i love you to our parents.
i just find this world so materialistic and practical. everything everyone does is for their own benefits. some things that are done will be taken for granted. the sacrifies that your besties did for you wouldn't be appreciated. parents love for you will be taken for granted. couples will oftenly take one another for granted too. that is what's happening around me
i just want the good old days to come back. i want the days when i'm carefree. they're so much things pilling up in my head now, but i just choose not to think about them. problems will never stop to come, it's just how we face and handle them.
the thing that i love about the clique is that we accept each other's flaws and accept each other for who they are. time brought us closer together and we've learn to give in to everyone. though we don't meet up often now, the friendship will always be there. (: i thankgod that i met these people, they're the ones who brought me out of my sorrows, and brought me joy!

okay! enough of not happy stuffs. i skipped Statistics tutorial this morning. too tired and it's such a waste time lesson cause i haven learn anything from him till now. so Yanli and i decided to skip it. reached school at 1230 today, lunch and went for lecture. Touch rugby's training was cancelled too cause it was raining and both the field is under maintainence!

Marketing tutorial tomorrow morning AGAIN. i seriously hate marketing class, not because that he scolded us for our lousy presentation, it's the tutor that i hate. i don't like the way he teach. he make me feel like a lower secondary school kid again. his way of teaching is so secondary school like. i always drag myself to his class. worse still, i couldn't do his work cause i haven buy my marketing textbook. i'm all rady for some scoldings tomorrow.

meeting up with my 4 loves at queensway after school tomorrow! hopefully i can get my boots. (:


Cowan Steven Neil said...

hey yo, no need not happy.
When someone means it, u'll noe it's real, u'll feel it :).
problems mold u into who u are, face them and u become a better person, and pple are always there to help. take care tiny. stay happy always take cares :)
(ps* u got many pple to tell ur problems to)


hey giant. thanks! the thought just came to my mind. seeya at the sports club event! (: