Friday, 24 August 2007

you left me in doubts, and never return.

Economics paper's O-V-E-R! meaning exam are all over and i should be damn glad, shouldn't i? BUTTTTTT, i'm not. cause i know i'm gonna fail econs this time round and i have to sit for the retest real soon again. it really won't feel good seeing your admin number at the school's notice board. tsk. but what to do, i really suck at econs, trust me people.

went to discuss the stuffs for ICE camp after the people's paper. it's really a big headache cause we haven really started and i've got the feeling that we've kinda screwed. oohman. i don't want to be such a lousy food i/c, may god bless me and at least let me find the quotations by tomorrow. i'm praying hard.

went to exercise with ShingChoon, Pat and Su after. it was their so called 'sports day' today! we played badminton first. it was really funny, but i really sweat it out! it's been sooooo long. finally i free lighter after today! then after is basketball. shooting. okay, i kinda suck at shooting from a certain angle! no matter what can't get the stupid shots in, TSK! but i practiced okay! i know nuts about basketball, so please pardon me!

oohyar. and i didn't bring anything for exercising today! so i borrowed Su's extra shirt, Jinna's fbt shorts, Schoon's socks and don't know whose shoes. nothing from head to top was mine!

when i came home, i realise i got one big blue black on my knee! Mummy kept rubbing it and TA-DA, it became all red and big!!! take a look!!

okay. i need to go back to school tomorrow again. i feel life-less going back to school everyday, but still, i have to get things done. sigh. bye people.


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