Monday, 12 March 2007

it's a sudden urge to open a new blog. maybe it's somewhere that i can write out my problems. but there's always ONE problem existing. when you have a blog, people will read it and always give comments or talk behind your back. not to any particular someone but that's always the case, isn't it? can't really be bothered now. it's my life, say all you want cause i know those words of those people wouldn't make any changes. keeping this blog simple and easy.

life has been really different these days. it's work, slack and out with friends. should i be happy with the life now? no limitations, no one's controlling, nothing at all. i know deep down, that's not really the way i want them to be. many things have changed, and many lessons are learnt.

in life, all you have is yourself. don't ever expect someone to be there for you forever and share your problems with you. someday, sometime, they'll get sick and just leave you. you can't hold them back, you can't have them with you again. it's just part of life. the mistakes that you make can't be corrected, the lies that you told, can't be turned back. so just look ahead and start life new. i'm glad that my new chapter of life is going to start soon. when school starts for me, i wouldn't turn back at things of the past. but friends are the people that i'll keep with me. all the other bad happenings, friends backstabbing, broken relationships and secondary school time failures will be all thrown aside. it'll be a new CLARECHEW and i new life.

(to the someone whom know who he is and i know others know who he is:
this is the one and only post dedicated to you. i know we'll through. you have your own life and it's time that i have something new again. i really dont know what you want. you made me hold on, let go and hold on again and again. a definite answer i want from you isn't gotten. it's a NO plus some words from you. should i let go? or should i continue on? i'll make up my decision before school starts for me. i've told myself. it's either now (be it good or bad), or never ever. life looks great for you now. i don't know whether it's true or not. but to tell you the truth, i've never felt that you made any effort at all. maybe people are right, someone who's worth your tears wouldn't even make you cry. someone who really loves you wouldn't keep you waiting here like an idiot. i'm tired, and i know so are you. it's time to learn to live without your shoulder and love. no matter what is it, you've made clear to me that it's a goodbye. if only the element LOVE doesn't exist in me. tell me how you feel, even if it's something that i don't wna hear, let me hear them. at least i'd know i've tried my best. :X)

some people might think. THAT CLARECHEW IS ALWAYS POSTING SUCH POSTS. but who cares. just shut up and leave if you're not happy. i don't need you here anyway.

that's for the first post of this new blog. off to dinner! :)

will someone bring me to fly a kite!?

1 comment:

Cephas said...

Yea... juz sae all u wan dun care wad ppl sae... tts the way... way to go! link mi huh...