Tuesday, 20 March 2007

just like to dedicate this post to all my secondary school friends out there, be it where you are now, which school or which campus, we'll keep in touch and be friends forever! i believe that secondary school friends will be the dearest to our heart, cause it's the part of our life that most ups and downs happen.
let me list all of them down.

first and foremost, 2e2'04 peeps. they were the ones who brought me great memories through my lower secondary school life. the ones who made studying not so boring. people in 2e2 are really marvellous. we still kept in touch, all the way till now even when we were in different class, and even diff schools now. i wish you guys all the best, and do remember me! :)

4e2'06. it's the 2 years of struggle with upper secondary school work. it isnt as easy as what others may think. all the tutorials, peer tutoring, i know we've been of help to one another. i didn't regret getting into 4e2. though the workload is a lot, i've knew this group of fun loving people. we study, play, gossip and disturb others together. though there might be some disputes, i do believe we're all bonded as a class. so people! once in 4e2'o6, forever we are as one! goodlucks in your studies peeps, all the best!

the 4 of them out there. Bindy, Serene, Zhiyun and Rachel. i just realised, we're all in different schools! but that wouldn't mean that our friendship will end here, right! you guys were the greatest of my whole school life. being there for each other no matter what happen, encouraging and never give up. thankyou girls. i really love you. life would be so much different without you girls. i cherish the close friendship that we share. though i know we're bound to meet other friends, but let's just keep each other in our hearts and meet up once in a while! i'll miss you! i wna say an esp thankyou to Bindy. she's really been a good mate. always there no matter what happens, for me to pour my sorrows onto. thankyou pal, you're the greatest.

the guys. i hope i won't miss anyone out. Wesley, Bryan, GuanTing, Fahrun, Jacky, Weijie, JinFu, JinGui, Joel, Alvin, ZhenMing, Wayne, Andy, Darrell, Joseph, Keng Kiang, Vincent and Yi Mian. plus the girls. Elaine, Sandra, ChaiLeng, Farhani, Huiyi, Jeraine, Vina. you guys were the crappiest bunch of people i'd ever know. without those nonsense and craps, life would be miserable. a very very big thankyou guys! i miss the days when we'll all sit in the canteen during recess and after school! :D

Sean, Henry, Joe, Wayne. thank you guys for stepping into my life once. all of you were great, i swear. all of you guys taught me part of life. without you, i wouldn't be the clare now. thanks, really. even until now for that i know i can find someone to talk to when i'm upset. you guys really know me well and accepted me for who i am. sorry if i've hurt anyone of you before, i know it was stupid of me. glad that we're all still friends now.

i'm tearing while writing this post. it's really sad to see everyone going their own way. how much i want to go back to the same old days. but people, you all were the best part of my life! i love you guys! takecare. do remember me, for that i'll remember all of you FOREVER! <3

Don't EVER leave the one you love
for the one you like
the one you like will leave you
for the one they love

how true is that? i wonder...


Anonymous said...

YO YO YO. don't be sad & yes! our friendship will be tight as hell! Love ya babe & continue rockiing! Meet up and study when is close t YOUR exams, unless u wanna mug with a nerd like me anytime (:


thanks elaine! it's just a sudd feeling that comes. ohmy, can't actually believe we;re all starting out new part of life! i'll ask you out for mugging! and make sure you study hard, no more tomorrow as an excuse. love.

CHAI LENG said...

hey girl!don't worry!we will stay in contact even though we are of different school!still can meet up sometimes.maybe a gathering of 2e2 or 4e2.take care!frenz forever.

chai leng

Anonymous said...

hey clare ! been sucha great joy knowing u babe ! its like although i,ve known u fro 2 yrs we.ve like really bonded . and dont worry ! we will definitely keep in touch . one day when im like 80 ,i.ll probably call u and laugh to the phone ! it.ll be a great joy to do dat . wonder how i.ll sound den but for now gd luck in evrything u do and love to u babe ! u.ll always be the only CLARE CHEW AITING in my heart !

<3 farni !

Anonymous said...

hey!! you sounded so emo la.. haha.. dun emo.. dun sad.. im always there.. haha.. u are jus lyk my little sis.. haha.. yup..

dun worry.. will always be your listening ears.


henry! thankyou so much! but life just had a drastic change. i'm learinng to adapt! you're like a brother to me too. takecare and see you around. :)