Thursday, 26 April 2007


i live the way i want, no restrictions.

school has been so good so far, just that i need to be a little more self motivated to do my tutorial worksheets, or else i'm gonna do badly for the not-so-far away CA1. but seriously, ECONS IS SO DAMN BORING!! it's like another physics to me. so alien. what's more, it's a year long module! i think i'm gonna struggle for that. shits.

ohyar. went for Primers welcome party with Jeraine yesterday night. wondering if i should really join it. i'm only interested in the overseas trip that'll help the less fortunate people. that's something meaningful that i can do once in awhile! but after looking at them, i should really thank god that i'm born in Singapore. seriously.

there's this damn stupid fire drill at school of business today. everyone was taking their own sweet time to shut down the laptop, go to the toilet and everything except being quick and assemble at the field. Andy happen to call me at that time and i told him i was fire drill. he was damn shock too! like why would a polytechnic want a fire drill! it wouldn't work at all. but god, the director was still very happy with the results. i think he's a little mad. ohwells, it did nothing but to only make us sweat under the hot weather!

had talk after school at the Convention Centre today. it's totally rubbish. everyone's just using their laptop to play games and surf, basically no one's listening. but school's wireless at Convention Centre sucks, i had a hard time loading. it's like taking forever. skip Poly50 training cause of the talk. but anyway i'm still coughing and i can't run much. don't wna have an asthma attack on the first training, that'll be so paiseh! hahah. i'll be there next week! :)

ooh. i saw this indian gay couple on the bus on my way home today. they were acting so lovey dovely. yucks. i wanted to laugh but i held it back! but seriously they were damn disgusting. not being racist here but it's just... EEEWWW!! they way the move and look at each other is really ohmygod.

i've been so deprived of MARS choc! there's 3 bars in my fridge but i just can't eat them! i wna recover fast and eat them all up. MARS CHOC DO WAIT FOR ME!!!! there's so much antibiotics left for me to complete. urgh.

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