Friday, 27 April 2007


Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flatts

listen for love, eyecandy;

i seriously hate it to rain in the morning. cause i''d be so reluctant to wake and and go to school! and the traffic will be horrible, terrible and vegetable! i'm late for 45 minutes for class today. but phew, it was Statistics tutorial. the tutor is blur and he's nice! he didn't realise that i was late! he thought he forget to mark my attendance. what a joke! i was still staring at him when i walked into the class. eh whatever. count myself lucky today, but not everyday is sunday!
anyway, the Stats tutor got really bad english! his 'scale' will become 'skill', and his english is super duper broken! all of us had a hard time trying to understand what the hell he's trying to bring across. okay, so i was totally lost during Stats today, i don't know a single shit he taught. someone please help! he should attend Effective Communications with us! ha!. as usual, Econs lecture is damn boring. it's so complicating. i hate Economics to the core. no interest = i wouldn't revise for that module. look at me fail that soon.

HOWEVER!!! Accounts lecture was unusual funny today! the lecturer is damn stupid lah! okay. i know i'm evil but look what she said.

Lecturer: keep quiet. i know i can be very nice sometimes, but i always tell me students. don't go overboard. you know, what you pull a rubber band too much, it'll BURST!
Lecturer: don't laugh! rubber band burst! and i know mirror cracks kay! [keep on insisting. she doesn't want to admit her mistake]
Whole Lecture Theatre: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

and this Lecturer 'zao xia' upteen times! we'll all burst out into laughter everytime she voice goes off! and she's still so proud of herself. fainted. okay. at least she made it a little less boring with her actions. lmao.

i must really start revising! feeling so lost during tutorials sometimes. DAMN IT! i was randomly talking to Jeraine is school today and i realise something's missing from school these days, and i kind of realise it's because Bindy isn't here! ohmygod. i'm too use to having her around for the past 4 years. BINDY POH! ohman. but anyway, it's friday tmr, which means... ... SHOPPING DAY WITH JERAINE AFTER SCHOOL! yay-ness.


Sahae W said...

HEY YOU! why use this webdings or whatever font! so difficult to read your post lah! or is it suppose to be a confidential post? :O ah, i guess not. Right? hahaha. =D


very hard to read eh? it's not a private post! =) i'll change the font! XD