Wednesday, 16 May 2007

it's simple, all black and white;

stupid blogger is damn cocked up these days.
today's weather is freaking COLD. :X

Effective Communication's oral test was okay i would say. at least Jeraine and me didn't stone in front of the teacher. but i felt our discussion kind of went smoothly! my heart was thumping damn fast when i walked into her office. it feels like O's english oral exam. HA!
had 3.5 hours break after the test. slacked around school of business and did a bit of accounts work. but i take damn bloody long to finish one damn question. i got bored, as usual, and gave up! okay, nothing's surprising! the girls were gossipping and looking at guys and girls on friendster! hahah. typical girls we are!

walked to foodcourt1 for lunch! we're THAT crazy. foodcourt1 is like 2 bus stops away from School of Business but we still walked there cause 2 of them wanted to see their eyecandies! hahah. i haven't found the right eyecandy of mine! let me see the 'mr right' soon. i sound so desperate! BUT I'M NOT! eyecandies are for fun. (:
mood swing a little when we reached foodcourt1, cause of a particular something. but nevermind, shan't talk about it. had porridge and bubble tea! porridge is nice, but the bubble tea is a little too sweet. ohmy, i'm craving for Oreo Crush again.

training was suddenly cancelled after school cause it rained and both the field couldn't be used. so Joan, Ayu and me went to queensway to hunt for our boots! Ayu bought her boots already! i was tempted to buy a puma boots. but i've decided to come home and ask others for their comments! and i only use the boots to run, and not even kick a soccer ball! bus-ed home after. met WanJin on the bus. chatted a little and i miss secondary school friends again! hahah.


CHAI LENG said...

hello (:

haha.saw your blog.glad that you are doing fine.jiayou in your studies!organise a gathering for 4e2 or 2e2 okays? (=

anyway,do you think i should continue with floorball or join guitar!im stuck!@.@

is touch rub nice?

`chai leng


didn't hear from you for quite some time already. i will organise something, hopefully everyone can make it.

JOIN FLOORBALL. i think it's more like you. guitar is like, so recreational and boring. OOPS~

touch rugby is fun! consider joining. XD